Online program for mothers

The Radiant Mother

From 16 October - 27 November

The Mountain Ibiza

The Radiant Mother Program

A program to help mothers reconnect with their vitality, joy and radiance!

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful things in life, but can also be very demanding. It can result in little libido, gaining more weight than you like and feeling uninspired, tired and cranky because of sleepless nights. 

As mothers we are always giving, our time, energy, love and when we have a baby even our body. But if you want to stay connected to yourself RECEIVING from time to time is a necessity!

If you feel a bit lost since becoming a mother, you are not alone. It is normal, after all the big changes in our body and life we have to make time to rediscover ourselves again. Sometimes this takes a few months, sometimes a few years!

I am here to help you speed up to process and rediscover yourself in 7 weeks!

Mama, if you feel disconnected, depleted, uninspired, not sexy or simply want to create more time for yourself so you can be your most radiant self again, this is the perfect program for you!

With Love,


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The Mountain Ibiza

Reconnect with your vitality and joy!

The Radiant Mother is a 7-week online live program which you can follow from the comfort of your own home. Every week we come together online, so you have your weekly fixed me-time. No more excuses, its really time to prioritise your wellbeing again!

What mothers need is support, community, other mothers to share with and lots of self care and self love practices to keep us balanced. So we can enjoy being a mother but also fully enjoy being Woman!

As a mother of a 8 year old daughter and a 1,5 year old son I know how challenging it can be to stay connected to your radiance between all the chaos and daily chores. But over the years I realised that from an empty cup I have nothing to give. So I learned to claim my space and found ways to nourish myself on all levels.

During our sessions I will guide you back into your feminine radiance and give you tools to transform from being a depleted mother to a woman full of life force energy! 

Whether you recently became a mother, already have older kids, an empty nest or are pregnant and about to become a mom, The Radiant Mother Program will help you to replenish your energy, and reconnect with the vibrant, radiant woman within you! 

In this program you rediscover who you are beyond motherhood. We explore your desires, passions and what truly brings you joy.

Coming together in a supportive circle of mothers to share, uplift, and inspire each other is an important aspect of this transformational journey.

Our gatherings are a space where you can be seen, heard and celebrated. Because as moms, we really need other moms around us who lift us up and remind us of our strength! 

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Exclusive Early Bird offer for the first 5 women who sign up!


Price will go up to €777 after that
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Let October and November be the months were you feel happy in your body, feel sexually turned on, honour your heart’s desires and reclaim the radiant woman in you!

After this program you will feel more:

As a mother, you’re always giving—your time, energy, and love. But now it’s time for you to receive!
Ready to start shining? Join me and and let’s journey to radiance together! 

What’s included

Online Program for Mothers

Investing in Yourself is the Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Family!

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The Mountain Ibiza

Self Care is not Selfish

As a mother, you pour so much of yourself into your family, always making sure their needs come first. But here’s the truth: when you invest in yourself, you’re not just nurturing your own well-being—you’re creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone around you.

By prioritising your joy, energy and vitality, you become a more present, patient, fun and loving mother. You model self-respect, self-care and the importance of personal growth for your children. When you feel fulfilled and radiant, you have more to give—more love, more patience, more of the best version of yourself!

Prioritising your own well-being is actually what nurtures the whole family… since we as mothers are the centre of the family!

So what are you waiting for? Lets start this transformational journey together and let October and November be the months were you reignite your glow and reclaim the radiant woman in you!

Your kids and partner, will be thankful to you I guarantee!!!

Sign up today
Dates: 16, 23, 30 October Dates: 6, 13, 20, 27 November



When: Every Wednesday morning
Time: 10.00-11.30
Where: online via Zoom
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Week 1: Reconnecting with Yourself

Week 2: The Power of Prioritising Yourself

Week 3: Replenishing Your Energy

Week 4: Self-Love Rituals

Week 5: Creating Boundaries with Love 

Week 6: Rediscovering Your Joy and Pleasure 

Week 7: Embodying the Radiant Mother 

Read all reviews ➞

Laura’s guidance is very professional and she is a very caring space holder. Her free, abundant and joyful spirit is a true inspiration. Our sisterhood was a beautiful, safe, powerful and soft way to explore this intimate inner feminine journey. A journey I wish for every mother!

〜 Michelle

An unforgettable and life enhancing experience that every woman should gift herself. Laura is a truly devotional space holder and her programme is created with such nourishing intention, you can safely surrender to the magic that unfolds. If your intuition is calling you here, I would urge you to listen.”

〜 Rae

I am a mother of two young children and gave it as a present to myself. During the course I’ve learned that out-of-your-comfortzone can feel natural, that everyone can tap from the Power of Femininity and I’ve learned to love my body more & more. And that feels sooo good.


〜 Cecile

Amazing! Wonderful! Touching! That´s how I would decribe my experiences with beautiful Laura. She brings to us not only a deeper understandig of what women are capable of, but also touches us both at our hearts and essence.

〜 Anja