Tag Archives: self love

Stepping into our Big Woman

I would like to share something with you. Something that changed everything for me. A while ago I was talking with a male friend of mine, who was in my opinion bragging a bit about the many women he used to date at the same time. He said something like “I dropped one off at…

Nourishing the Feminine Soul

NEW ONLINE COURSE COMING UP ? ‘Nourishing the Feminine’ A 5-week program by The Mountain Ibiza especially for women in which I share my secrets about how to nourish your feminine soul and awaken the radiant and powerful woman that you are. After Yoga and Meditation, connecting to my Femininity was the next step on…

My favourite – Women retreat on Bali

Bali Bliss Women Yoga Retreat February 2020 It is still possible to join my most favourite retreat that I host in 2020! The one were we are shamelessly gonna indulge and enjoy ourselves on mystical Bali Are you ready to step into your Womanhood and embark on this blissful life changing journey with me? The Bali…