Change your reality

The holidays are over and most of us are back at work again. When the festive days are behind us, I often hear people say ‘and now back to reality’. If you are living in Northern Europe that probably means cold, grey days behind an office desk. Feeling stressed about work, kids and all the things we need to do. And the same boring routines over and over again ?.

Maybe I am exaggerating now, but I remember so wel when living in Holland how my whole system got effected in winter time. I basically always felt a little down. Especially January and February felt to take forever! No sunlight on my skin, being inside most of time, no colours outside and everything grey and depressing. Cold in my bones. Dry skin. Feeling sick. Just praying that soon it would be Spring again. Sounds familiar?

For me this was one of the big reasons to change my ‘reality’ and to start living my life under the SUN. I find it just so nourishing for my whole Being to feel warmth on my skin, see green trees and colourful flowers around me and be outside in fresh air. So even when it gets a bit more chilly and grey in Ibiza ,usually that’s also around January/February, (still better then in Holland though) I move myself to a warmer place. For the last maybe 8 years every winter I fly to tropical destinations like India or Bali. Why? Because I want to feel happy, nourished and relaxed all trough the year!

Bali Bliss

Next week my sweet daughter Isabelle and me fly to Bali together to warm ourselves up and indulge ourselves in all the good Bali has to offer. And thats a lot! Lush tropical rainforests, fresh green ricefields, swaying palmtrees and flowers in all shapes and sizes, filling the air with the sweetests aromas, amazing healthy tasty food, massage salons and spa’s on every corner, sacred ceremony, ritual and WARMTH. YEAH!

I can’t wait to go on this special adventure with her and show her this magical island! We will have 3 weeks holiday together and then my Bali Bliss Women Yoga Retreat starts from 8-15 February ?. Which I am so so excited about as well!!

Bali Women Retreat

During the Bali Bliss Women Yoga Retreat I let you remember how important it is to nourish yourself on all levels. Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. We will do daily practices together to enhance our overal wellbeing. It is trough this deep nourishment that we feel our own energy again and can align ourselves with our True Essence. Both my guidance and the energy of Mama Bali will make you feel relaxed, feminine and more beautiful then ever before. You will leave more grounded, more centered, full of radiance, aliveness and for sure with a warm Heart!

There are still a few spots available for the:
Bali Bliss Women Yoga Retreat
8-15 Febraury

For bookings and info: